Classroom Grant Application

The Greenwood Education Foundation will award grants to teachers from the Greenwood Independent School District. The recipients will need to follow the procedures outlined within the grant for the opportunity to receive money to use their classrooms.

Rules and Eligibility:

  • To be eligible for a grant, a teacher must be a current full time employee at any school within Greenwood Independent School District.

  • To be considered for a grant, the teacher must complete a Classroom Grant application and submit the application to the Greenwood ISD Education Foundation along with an itemized listing of expected expenditures.

  • The focus of the application should be to provide funding for creative and innovative projects or to enhance classroom learning. 

  • Campus-wide grants are accepted and should make it possible for a campus to present a project idea for enrichment that will impact the entire campus. 

  • Although consideration will be given to every request, due to limited funds, grants inside of the classroom will rank higher than those outside the classroom (i.e., garden projects, campus-wide projects).

  • Rather than replicating another teacher’s application, each application should be individually compiled and show a personal commitment to the requested project.

  • Only one grant application will be accepted per teacher per semester. 

  • If you have received a grant in the past, you must submit the requested photos and testimonials before a future application will be considered.

Grant process:

  • The Classroom Grants Advisory Committee, formed by the Greenwood ISD Education Foundation, will review applications submitted every 6 weeks. The Greenwood Classroom Grants Advisory Committee will advise the board of directors of the Greenwood ISD Education Foundation of their recommendation of award recipient(s).

  • Recipients will be notified, and checks will be presented to the recipients at their schools. Checks will be made to the recipient’s school for the benefit of the teacher’s grant request.

  • The local campus Ranger Activity fund will deposit the grant check, and all expenditures will be subject to Greenwood ISD travel and purchasing policies.

By accepting a grant, you may be called upon to create a visual presentation of your grant project to be displayed at the Greenwood ISD Education Foundation annual fundraiser.




PLEASE NOTE: copies of original receipts of items purchased will be required with the Final Evaluation if grant approved (purchase orders and packing slips will NOT be accepted as receipts).

Award recipients understand and acknowledge that any items purchased with grants provided by the Greenwood Education Foundation become property of Greenwood ISD and will remain with the district upon the recipient's separation from the district.

If awarded a grant, I give the Greenwood Education Foundation permission to release my name and photo, identifying me as a grant recipient. I also agree to provide photos and a testimonial about my project for use in marketing materials.